Water Softeners and Conditioners


ASN 4100 and ASN 4200 Water Softeners

The Trouble With Hard Water Hard water (calcium & magnesium) is a common problem for many homeowners and businesses. When hardness minerals are combined with heat it forms troublesome scale. Scale causes costly build-up in your plumbing, water heater and other water using appliances. When combined with soap, the minerals form soap curd or scum that makes skin dry and itchy, hair lifeless, laundry dull and builds up on fixtures.

ASN 4700 Series High Hardness- Dual pass Softener

ASN 4700 Series High Hardness- Dual pass Softener

ASN 4700 Series  Two tank system for high hardness (> 75gpg) water. First tank acts as workhorse significantly reducing hardness while second tank acts as polisher. Prevents hardness leakage common in single tank systems. The second tank acts as a ‘polisher’ and reduces slippage as the overpowering high hardness condition has been significantly reduced. This also increases the contact time with the softener resin therefore more consistent. Salt efficiency is even more important on high hardness situations.

ASN 4500 Twin Alternating Water Softener

ASN 4500 Twin Alternating Water Softener

The ASN 4500 1cu” (Twin Alternating) softeners provide up to 16.6 gpm of continuous soft water 24 hours a day. They are engineered and thoroughly tested to provide years of reliable, trouble free performance with minimal maintenance.
Standard Features o
• Up-flow: Provides high efficiency and ultra-low hardness leakage 
• Master Controller: Fully programmable electronic controller with adjustable cycles 
• Alternating Flow: One tank is always off-line for regeneration or ready in standby.